
New TT maps 90 EN

New TomTom maps available (version 90)

New TomTom maps (map data version 90) are now available for all Navigator Android and Windows apps, iOS, MapExplorer and OCX modules and our new Maps & Navigation SDK.

Navigator for Android:

Download the new maps for free within your yearly subsctiption or get it through in-app purchase in NavigatorFREE.

PC/Pocket Navigator for Windows or WinCE devices:

For new maps for PC/Pocket Navigator 24 visit our e-shop. Discount on map upgrades for existing customers available!

news PC Nav 24 + TT 88  EN

PC & Pocket Navigator 24 and the latest TomTom maps released

PC & Pocket Navigator 24 released

A new version of PC & Pocket Navigator for Windows or WinCE devices is now available. It offers the professional TomTom map data (version 88 from the end of May 2024).

You can choose from Navigator 24 for standard vehicles or Navigator 24 Truck , which offers reliable offline navigation for trucks and large vehicles.

Updated version of MapExplorer software and the OCX modules are also available.

New TomTom maps for Android and iOS

The latest TomTom maps (version 88 - end of May 2024 release) are now also available for Navigator for Android and iOS. Subscribers have updates included in their subscription. Just download the new maps in Map manager.

June 3, 2024

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Navigator 3.1 for iOS brings expanded coverage for a better worldwide navigation

Navigator 3.1 for iOS devices has been recently released. The update introduces a unified app icon design for both Navigator and Navigator TRUCK PRO apps on iOS, along with expanded regional coverage for an enhanced global navigation experience.

For more details read here.

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Try out the new Navigator Lite - a demo showcase of the MapFactor Maps & Navigation SDK

Our new Android application Navigator Lite brings all the key features you know from Navigator and has been created using our map and navigation SDK as a showcase application.

Read more in the press release.